Wednesday, 12 December 2012


There’s pickings in that field,

I can see them from up here and they’re not such easy pickings

As a wayward ‘Crow’ dives down,

I’ll keep tight within the hedgerow

With a  drip drip drippy

Then a ‘Robin’ comes close with a tweet

Saying it’s o.k you now my friend,

For those yummy squirmy treats,

Coz the ‘scary bird’ has gone.

And  as the sun was gleaming...others were all lined-up

Awaiting their turn to forage the ground so awfully wet.

"I am a Chaffinch"

As the day closes a flurry of small ‘birds’ scavenge for last minute morsels  then soon vanish, taking a ‘dive’ into the privet for the ‘Crows’ take flight once more.

Some birds bathe more often than others, a  ‘Dunnock’ goes in search for a tasty breakfast  along our front drive,  then goes for a dip in our ‘bird bath’....almost every day, whilst others like ‘Robin’ seem to take the occasional bath.

The hedge that surrounds our garden is ‘alive’ with ‘mammals’ ‘birds’ and down below an old nest maybe a ‘BumbleBees’ home (Queen Redtailed Bumblebee) .....whom I witnessed flying under an ‘oak log’ early part of this am hoping she’s still there making her nest.

Tuesday 2nd Oct  -  WoW  it's gorgeous here in our part of ‘Wales’,  wonderful outside even though a little damp under foot.

Friday 12th Oct  -  The ‘Rains’ were bad to us yesterday as ‘Robin’  looked all bedraggled and forlorn trying to sing his message with a quiver, he didn't stop long...... wildlife suffer also.  And whilst the day starts off with a clear blue sky I notice many ‘Birds’ make the most of this  opportunity to search for their morning speed!
And the day was good ‘ until tea-time when it threw it down once more with rain!

Sunday 14th Oct  -  The day woke-up before me, a lie-in I did have, a bath, then took my time on breakfast........I peered outside to see a ‘beautiful still day’ with ‘wildlife’ enjoying it all!

Monday 15th Oct  -  A dark day outside so lights on inside to see where I’m going.....for I'm always tripping over things!

Wednesday  17th Oct  -  The strong ‘gusts’ are whistling up the garden path.. and the many different ‘Clouds’ are wrestling, stirring-up the ‘air in the sky’!  

 A banana sandwich for me and thee to keep our tums topped-up to help stick our toes firmly to the ground when greeting the winds.

Wednesday 24th Oct  -  The birds were singing their beautiful songs off key, they said they couldn't see, so twirped an off key note.  T'was so dark the birds sang eerie, they said they'd wish the dark would leave and twirped another wobble !

'Ffion and Connie'
Friday 26th Oct  -  So very dim these early morns and as the day progresses with no 'Sunshine', it has been stolen from our skies by villain clouds!  And the ‘Sumac Tree’which stands in a large garden tub, was full of ‘Autumn’  colours,  hangs-on to it’s last drooping leaves that occasionally fall to the ground.

What berries are left on trees are shrivelled and now ignored by birds, for we enter into another ‘season’.

Beyond the dark undergrowth are many other paths (the woodland wildlife habitats) that take you into different levels of woodland,  Tree stumps risen above ground..... paths that take you into a ‘glade’ where nothing grows under a  ‘beech’ tree,  and fallen limbs lay....broken off from scorn weather fronts which can rip a whole tree out from the very ground it stood.

Sunday 28th Oct  -  Last night's sleep was disturbed by ‘Teifi Rally Race’ going through our Village every fifteen minutes, four O'clock it stopped, dreadful noise - although this time they drove a little slower because of heavy rain after dry spells but still kept us awake! Shouldn't be aloud.

Monday 29th Oct - I managed to get some more washing dry out side, exciting life hey - It's all those animals muddy feet and woodland squelch.....  yuck !

Tuesday 30th Oct  -  As a little bird sings it’s merry tune, I watch, listen and learn.......for wildlife are much more attuned to every aspect around watch, listen and learn their ways.

Wednesday 31st Oct  -  We're between two weather fronts and looking out across the back of our house it's looking like it could snow  but front is grey with rain now.

We didn't celebrate 'Halloween' but listened to good music instead.

Yesterday I should of had my camera at ready but sadly a no no, maybe next time for ‘Reds’ , Four sat in same tree down our lane, gosh they look good up close!.....RedKites.

Thursday 1st Nov   -  ‘Robin’ had made himself twice the size he normally is in Summer as he stood perched upon the highest point of the ‘birdhouse’, with his feathers reflecting the most beautiful red and the wind was catching his fluffy-white feathers  whilst he stared in at our kitchen window........perhaps wondering where the gardener was....maybe?

We had ‘sleet’    brrrr

Saturday 3rd Nov  -  Could hear the heavy rainfall fill all the holes in the garden, then stopped with a selection of clouds, which one will give us a storm?

‘Hailstorm’ and quite heavy brrrrr  then another just as I’m on return journey by foot,  having delivered ‘eggs’........warmed-up now, was rushing.

Mid afternoon ‘Robin’ flew over to the ‘Bird bath’ to take a quick dip before the next storm hit....... necessaries as ‘winter’ arrives too early, wildlife speeded-up for that ‘urgent bath’.

Fireworks should be illegal as they are legal weapons in fancy packages !!!   We heard two lots going off and then t'was silent....phew !!!  Our pets don't like think how wildlife feel.

Sunday 4th Nov  -  The ‘GoldFinches’ returned to our garden in a large flock, sadly they don’t stop long, they were collecting their food source in a always difficult to capture, even on film.

Monday 5th Nov  -  Always moving to where the  ‘sunshine’ glows: so no photos of this mornings ‘bird’ antics, only words.  A young ‘robin’ flew to our side- gate and decided to view in the kitchen window  once again where I was making my breakie.......I fetched the camera as I knew he would return and he did but when I moved the camera to get a better capture.....he was for off..... Ohhhh!

Turned very cold at around 2.30pm: As the Sun was disappearing it left us with a chill, which seeped in through our we had to keep moving to stay warm down in the woodland brrrrr !

Wednesday 7th Nov  -  Ash dieback detected in South West of Wales.....oh drat and more drat....worrying times ahead!

Saturday 10th Nov  -  Now the sun has shown itself for real, a flurry of birds are out sending this news to All....... via tuneful songs......glorious outside  'thankyou Day'

Sunday 11th Nov  -  As we drove into town along the narrow lanes, the sun shone upon the Trees  with a   blaze of colour.

Thursday 15th Nov  -  The ‘sun’ was gleaming across the frozen field, it glistened-out for those in need of drinks, as it melted away.   I also noticed what a grand eating-up of greens ‘Bracken’ had done in the vegetable garden, “no need to dig yourself, ask a pony”.

In parts, the ground was still so squelchy as we slid along the way,  our boots were carrying an extra weight....each step was quite a feat.

Feeding time began with eager tums......some had curled-up lips whilst others croaked their joy that it was heading their way!

New ‘wellies’ and already things are attached.......awwww......An ‘oak’ leaf passenger happened by chance.

Friday 16th Nov  - Had to ‘call’ the ‘hens’ and ask for two more eggs as I was putting the ingredients together for  ‘mini Christmas Cakes’  as the kitchen was empty of them.

The sky brought ‘ foggy-rain’ unlike yesterday, which was full of ‘sunshine’ and a photographer's dream of a day.

I now seem to be a connoisseur of Dog-Poo....yuck and no matter what I sniff it's still lingers in my nostrils...what a 'pong of a tweet' I sent across the web.... sorry!

Couldn't see how it arrived in and both small dogs tried to answer questions but no One giving anything away..just cuteness!  “We were All ‘suspects and everyone’s shoe’s were turned over and checked”.......a total mystery?

Friday 23rd Nov  -  The day woke-up..... ‘still’....not even a gentle breeze but the sky was mixed with different clouds and a bright glow from half hidden ‘sun’........which gave off a detailed edge surrounding a large grey cloud., it hailed, it rained and then the wind got up once more.

Saturday 24th Nov  -  Just a whiff of a breeze brings the ‘wildlife’ bunch out before the ‘storm’ arrives. The Male ‘Bullfinch’ looks extremely peckish as he tugs away at the shrivelled berries of a cherry tree,  standing almost naked of leaves.

Little bird ‘Robin’ was out with his chums twirping a distress call, telling them to eat breakie fast, at this early hour before the sky falls!

The rain crept in the hallway and soaked-up all the carpet,  then the car seats were wet to sit upon, so plastic sheet was far so not washed away.

Sunday 25th Nov  -  Breakie time..... Just seen both ends of a beautiful Rainbow ....there was no gold as told by folk..... it itself is the 'gem' of our skies .

Wednesday 28th Nov  -  Thankfully a DRY day Here in Pembrokeshire.. yippeee , gosh we've had bad weather for a solid month now and mostly wearing it ! 

Full Moon !

Thursday 29th Nov  -  A huge flock of ‘Gulls’  heading for coast, just flew over house with some great excitement and urgency of a hopeful catch of fish, out at Sea.

Sunday 2nd Dec  -  Its a beautiful morning here in the West with all different bird species feasting in and around front garden, wonderful day.   A male Bullfinch, two male Blackbirds, a Wren, the family of house Sparrows making the most of a good start as the weather is so changeable.... ‘Are they adapting’..... perhaps?

Monday 10th Dec  -  An eerie sound eschoed through the Village......what sounded like a neighbour’s husky frantically barking and then a loud screeching took over, like a woman screaming !!!  A Vixen was baiting the dog,  she was searching for a mate and chose a husky to annoy.

She arrived the following night, Tuesday, Wednesday and early Thursday morning only to find he wasn't her type!

Tuesday 11th Dec  -  Winter has arrived with frosty mornings and chilling winds that bite your cheeks. 

And now the day is closing with the sun going down the frost continues to grow across the landscape.

There’s always a story surrounding our life

Songbird’s sing their stories to be told

Carried by the winds Up up....far and beyond

Across the boundaries, across the fields

Tuneful  songs sung loud to make their message heard

Unknown to us, for only they would know

The Bluetit acrobats are out again

Dangling from overgrown privet

With precision balance and agility keeps their foraging safe

I saw them eyeing-up the ‘nest box’

And believe they’re stopping for ‘winter’.


Have a warm and happy Christmas from us All
